Power V non surgical facial contouring also enhance skin tightness, TL Dr Jung YeonHo

오후 5:04
Power V non surgical facial contouring also enhance 
skin tightness, TL Dr Jung YeonHo

The defined facial structures can make you look pretty as well as younger looking. However if you have fats around the lower part of the face it can create big looking face. However those fats can be easily removed through TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring surgery. Through removing these fats you can get perfect sharp V line shaped face.

TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring can remove unnecessary facial fats and also adding facial skin lifting effect. As a result patients can get smooth defined jawline as well as small face.

TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring is also performed with accusulpt laser which is very effective for fat disassemble. The laser has  1444m wave length which can improve to make smooth defined face line. TL Power V line non surgical facial contouring allows the patients to get lifting effect.

TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring only needs short period of time to recover and you can go back to your daily life straight away.

Over 20 years of experience in Anti-aging and Lifting Dr Jung YeonHo has developed and has trade mark rights on power v non surgical facial contouring.

This surgery is suitable for people who wants to have sharp defined face line
without bone reduction.

If you like to have consultation with Dr Jung YeonHo please write email to tlmeirong@gmail.com

Get your youthfulness back with Dr Jung YeonHo

TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667

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No 1 Doctor for Fine fat graft,TL Dr Jung YeonHo

오후 1:01
 No 1 Doctor for Fine fat graft,TL Dr Jung YeonHo 

People who are willing to have younger looking, they might have thought about getting fat grating. However when you search for the experience on fat grating the result is not really satisfied due to its survival rate. 

TL fine fat graft is done under one-one-one consultation, one-on-one customized system and compare to previous normal fat graft TL fine fat graft can give you extra volume as well as giving much younger looking face. 

TL Dr Jung YeonHo full charge of fat grafting at TL Plastic Surgery. Through inserting refined fat layers performs high survival rate. Also gives great tightening on cheek fats and creates sharp V line shape on the lower part of the face. 
As a result the patients can experience lovely younger looking face!

TL Dr Jung YeonHo has more than 20 years of experience in the Anti-aging and Lifting and through constant studies in Anti-aging and Lifting in order to provide great results to his patients. Having one-on-one customized surgery and consultation for every patients can perform high satisfaction result on fine fat grafting surgeries.

TL We also have professional anesthesiologist who monitors every surgeries with the latest technology, the patients will experience safe and high degree of completion.

For long lasting result as well as small face effect can be experienced through
 Dr Jung YeonHo's Fat Grafting surgeries. 

Get FREE Consultation through tlmeirong@gmail.com

TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667

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For more natural result on neck wrinkles, by Dr Jung YeonHo

오후 1:53
For more natural result on neck wrinkles, 
by Dr Jung YeonHo

As we age the wrinkles around the neck area can cause a big worry. Due to wrinkles our skin can become saggy and uneven face line can be created. Especially on neck wrinkles it has less muscle compare to other part of the skin and also due to thin layer of the skin it is hard to get improved on neck wrinkles.  Through TL neck lifting you can get tighten neck skin!

People are tend to get laser or injection treatments for the neck wrinkles However these treatments are not allow to fix its fundamental issues. TL Neck lifting can be proceed depends on person's skin condition, and how the wrinkles are created. Through pulling the wrinkles on the neck it will give you strong fixation as well as high improvements on wrinkles.

For the neck lifting the minimize incision will be made behind the ear which is not noticeable so the patient do no need to worry about getting noticeable  scars. You will experience smooth and tighten neck line!

People who are willing to get lifting effect on middle portion of the face, they can always get neck lifting as well as cat's lifting. The Cat's lifting can improve on jowls, eye wrinkles and smile lines. 

TL Anti-aging and Lifting Dr Jung YeonHo has more than 20 years of experience in the filed and has skilled know-how techniques on Anti-aging and Lifting. Get your youthfulness back with Dr Jung YeonHo

Easily email to tlmeirong@gmail.com
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center

Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting

[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667

Get smooth line for cheek fats! TL Dr Jung YeonHo

오후 4:23
Get smooth line for cheek fats! TL Dr Jung YeonHo

Lots of people are prefer to have defined V line shaped face. The complex appearance can be created from double chins and uneven face line. Due to uneven face line people are tend to get facial treatment or massage, However the temporary result can not fix its fundamental issues.  TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring can make you great improvements on cheek fats as well as making defined face line.

TL Jowl Power V non surgical facial contouring is a face liposuction with accusulpt laser.
Accusulpt laser can give great effect on dissolving fats around the face in a safe and efficient way. You can get smooth and perfect face line with Power V Line non surgical facial contouring. 

Power V line non surgical facial contouring is going under sleeping anesthesia,
TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring has been approved its safety procedure. TL Power V line non surgical facial contouring is taking about half and hour and the patients can experience fast recovery.People who are prefer to go back to their daily life as fast as they can, TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring can be the perfect surgery for them.

TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring is performed with detailed and cautious work therefore there are hardly no damage on facial tissues. In addition there will be only a tiny needle spots around the fat extraction area, therefore the patients do not need to worry about getting scars from the surgery.
TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring allows patients to have skin tightening as well as lifting effect.

TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring is suitable for people who are suffering from double chins, jowls and willing to remove unnecessary fats around their lower face. In addition, people who are experiencing lumps from the previous fat grafting surgery.

TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring is performed from Dr Jung YeonHo who has more than 20 years of experience in the filed and has his own skillful know-how. You can surely get younger and smaller face through 
TL Power V Line non surgical facial contouring.

Get FREE Consultation through tlmeirong@gmail.com
Dr Jung YeonHo will provide the suitable and right surgeries for you to get your youthfulness back!

TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center

Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting

[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667

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