"TL Power V Line"The perfect solution for double chin disposal

"TL Power V Line"The perfect solution for 
double chin disposal

 If you are suffering from double chin or fatty lower face due to unnecessary fats, 
TL Power V Line is the answer!!

These days it is very common to have double chin due to sagging skin and weight gains. People are finding very difficult to remove those fats around their lower face.

TL Anti-aging and Lifting Dr Jung YeonHo has more than 20 years of experience in anti-aging and lifting, He has developed most effective and simple way to remove double chins and jowls.

TL Power V  Line surgery is one of our popular procedure which brings high satisfaction result of V line shaped face. Because of skilled doctor you will able to have minor swelling and bruises. 

The result is amazing and performs great improvement on their jaw line.
Due to no bone reduction the recovery will be fast and you do not need to undergo those after stitch removal and major swellings.

These are the before and after pictures of TL Power V Line

If you are wish to find out more about TL Power V Line and TL Anti-aging and Lifting or willing to have consultation Please email through tlmeirong@gmail.com

For consultation:
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/

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