There are no alternatives to TL SMAS Facelift

There are many types of facelift procedures performed and they are not created equally or create the same results. TL POWER PULL SMAS LIFTING is the smas lifting surgery which is the muscle of the face that drops with age and had the scientific name superficial (S) musculo (M) aponeurotic (A) system (S). When the SMAS becomes loose, redundant and drops with age, it creates laxity along the lower face and jawline creating jowls, marionette lines, and nasolabial folds.

         Facelift techniques generally lift the skin of the face, but how the SMAS muscles under the facial skin are treated differs. SMAS facelift before and after creates natural facelift results that appear smooth and natural and not "artificial look". Everyone who considers a facelift wants to look younger but does not want to like they had a facelift, and this can be avoided with SMAS facelift technique.


                          BEFORE                                          AFTER

TL POWERPULL SMAS is an acronym for the superficial musculo aponeurotic system which is a layer of fibrous tissues and muscles that start just in front of and below the ear extending down to the neck. This thin yet strong layer covers and connects the muscles and structures of the face, the midface, and the neck together as a continuous fibromuscular tissue. It encompasses areas of muscles, fat pads, and the entire cheek area, as well as, attaching to the superficial muscle that covers the lower face, the jawline, and neck muscles called the platysma. The platysma muscle in the neck creates vertical muscle bands in the neck and "turkey neck" as we age. This fibrous layer is then concealed below a layer of fat (adipose tissue) and skin. The purpose of the SMAS is to ensure that the mimic muscles, which are important for the expressions of the face, are positioned normally.

TL POWER PULL SMAS Facelift, is performed by Dr Jung YeonHo who has more than 20 years experience in anti aging and lifting surgeries and has rich clinical know how.

Now get consultation with Dr Jung YeonHo and turn back the clock and get back your youthfulness

 For consultation:
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[BBM] D60CD125
[Face Book]

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