In TL, Dr Jung YeonHo has been constantly studying facial breathing methods to create a V-line by liposuction with soft tissue without bone resection. As a result, the Dr Jung YeonHo has a trademark right under the name Power V non surgical facial contouring. The effect and safety of the TL Power V contour is a lot of know-how of Jung YeonHo.

Dr Jung YeonHo of TL has 20 years of experience in forming a face case for various cases. In addition to the lifting effect, the Power V non surgical facial contouring of TL's Anti-aging and Lifting Dr Jung YeonHo, is well-known for effective facial respiration through elimination of unnecessary fat. If you have not seen the effects of the existing contour injection, we highly recommend TL Power V Lift

TL has established a system of resident anesthesiologists, emergency medical systems, and hospital-grade advanced equipment to ensure safety

Let's make face line of V-line smooth with face liposuction

TL Anti-aging and Lifting Center
Director:Dr. Jung Yeon Ho 
Consultant: Christina Cha
E-mail: tlmeirong@gmail.com
Kakao: tllifting
Line: tllifting
Whats App: +82)10-8463-7667
Tel: +82)10-8463-7667
Blog: tllifting.blogspot.com
Instagram: tlps_lifting
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/

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#korea #facechange #antiaging #facelift #threadlifting #today #fatgrafting #prp #liposuction #facialcontouring #transformation #tlplasticsurgery

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