Facial Fat Grafting, and Volume Restoration

Facial Fat Grafting, and Volume Restoration


A fat grafting procedure transfers fat from areas in which you have excess fat, such as the outer thighs, and injects it into areas that may be lacking in volume, such as your face, hands, breasts or buttocks. This safe, long-lasting, well-tolerated procedure produces natural-looking results. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful fat grafting and are pleased with the results.

After the fat grafting we need to check make sure the fat has been inserted with natural look and no side effects. In order to have natural and reduce the side effect the damage on the fat has to be minimized as much as it can be. Therefore TL use mirror canula which has soft surface which will help the fat to be extracted with no damage. As an result it our patient gets high satisfied result. 

 After extraction of the fat only selected healthy and uncontaminated fat is transferred to the patientsThis gives high survival rate as well as generates collagen up  to make flawless skin.

Over 20 years experience in Anti-aging and Lifting Dr  Jung YeonHo's fat grafting can give you years younger and healthy looking.
Always feel free to get online consultation with  No cost, if you are interested in anti-aging and lifting email to tlmeirong@gmail.com.

For consultation:
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/

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