What is Neck Contouring Surgery?

What is Neck Contouring Surgery?

TL Power V Lift which can treat undefined neck line, Neck contouring creates a firmer, smoother and more refined appearance to the neck and chin. Even without making any other changes to the face, improving a thick, wrinkled or sagging neck can dramatically improve a one’s appearance, helping a patient look years younger or even as though he or she has lost weight. Neck contouring can also help restore balance to facial features by providing a better defined jawline that frames the rest of the face.

TL Power V Lift Neck Contouring Options

TL Power V Neck contouring isn’t defined by a surgical technique, but rather the patient’s aesthetic goals. Dr Jung YeonHo will use a completely different surgical approach for a patient who wants to reshape a full chin versus a patient who wants to eliminate a sagging “turkey neck.” Neck contouring can be performed as a single procedure, or be combined with other facial cosmetic surgery procedures for more comprehensive improvements.

 TL Power V Neck Liposuction
Do you feel that you have an excessively full or “double chin,” despite being at a healthy weight? TL power V Liposuction of the neck can achieve better defined, more graceful neckline by permanently

Because TL Power V liposuction removes excess fat, but cannot significantly improve sagging skin, the typical neck liposuction patient will be younger, his his or her 20’s through early 50’s, as younger patients typically have good skin elasticity, which is necessary for the skin to contract smoothly and evenly after liposuction. Learn more about liposuction techniques.

                            For most patients, TL power v neck liposuction is a fairly quick procedure, and many times it can be performed using local anesthesia. Through 3 or 5 tiny incisions, concealed beneath the chin or underneath the ears and next to mouth, Dr Jung YeonHo insert a small liposuction cannula, removing excess fat and sculpting a natural contour to the chin and neck. Following the procedure, patients typically wear a special supportive chin strap for 1 day and recommended to wear compressive facial bandage for 2~3 months during the day time as much as possible. Also patients may return to work within 1 week, and be ready to return to full activity after about 2 weeks. It is typical to experience some swelling and bruising after neck liposuction; this should resolve during the first 10 to 14 days after surgery.

Considerations & goals with neck liposuction:

Improves the appearance of a “double chin” or fullness underneath the chin
Refines the jawline to enhance the chin or bring balance to facial features
Patients with good skin tone will typically see the best results
Results are permanent so long as a patient maintains a stable weight

In addition if you are experience skin sagging, a neck lifting surgery may perform at the same time with TL Power V Lift. To find out the right procedures for you to achieve your goals please email to tlemirong@gmail.com for free online consultation.

  For consultation:
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[BBM] D60CD125
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/

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