Facelift Procedure Guide

Facelift Procedure Guide

As we age our facial skins as well as position of facial fats are sagged down. In order to avoid aged appearance, or prevent the aged appearance we can get our lifting surgeries in advance.

TL Anti-aging and Lifting Center has several types of lifting procedure, today we will introduce our elastic band lifting surgery. TL Elastic Band lifting surgery is giving new facial retaining ligaments to weak facial ligaments. When you have ligaments which has weak strength to hold its fat and skin you will start to experience saggy and droopy skin.

The TL Elastic Band Lifting can also perform by an incision as well, if you need to remove your excess skin the minimal dissection involved in the surgery. The implantation of new facial retaining ligaments is able to correct and prevent the drooping caused by gravity.

The Elastic Band lifting’s special thread is made of silicone and sheathed in polyester. It is specially designed for the suspension and traction of the tissues.

This TL Elastic Band lifting does not into tissues and which is transformed into a “natural” ligament in a few weeks.

Through 2- years of experience of know and skillful technique allows the patients to have natural and smooth movements on their facial as well as body after the thread implantation

The result is semi permanent with strong holding power, the new facial ligaments allows holding the skin as well as fat. The skin which no longer suffers the effects of gravity, remodels and adapts itself to the underlying structure and is supported by the new ligament

If you like to get consultation with Dr Jung YeonHo for Elastic Band lifting or other Anti-aging and Lifting surgeries please contact to tlmeirong@gmail.com

Get your youthfulness back and boost your self-confidence with face lifting.
For consultation:
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/

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