The real Power V non surgical facial contouring!

The real Power V non surgical facial contouring!

The U line shaped face can be created by lower face fats and cheeks as well as double chins. Due to these unnecessary fats you may have not defined face shape.
 If you are not consider to get facial contouring the real bone cutting surgery you may think of getting power V non surgical facial contouring.
Through Power V line non surgical facial contouring you can have sharp defined face line.

TL Power V non surgical facial contouring can remove unnecessary fats and add great lifting result on to the skin. As a result you can have sharp V line shaped face,

What is TL Power V non surgical facial contouring?

  • Make V line non surgical facial contouring.
  • Require short period of the surgery time/Fast recovery
  • Over 20 years of experience on Anti-aging and Lifting.
  • Safety first system

TL Dr Jung YeonHo has developed Power V non surgical facial contouring and constantly studying on anti-aging and lifting. He has trade mark right on
Power V non surgical facial contouring and it has been proof its safety.

If you like to get  consultation on TL Power V non surgical facial contouring please email to

TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667

[Face Book] 

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