Facelifting TL Dr Jung YeonHo

Facelifting TL Dr Jung YeonHo

Facelift surgery can be an effective way to improve appearance and boost self-confidence, but it is not for everyone. Some patients might find that they can achieve their cosmetic goals with a non-invasive procedure, such as a thread lifting, band lifting,filler or botox.

 Others may be happier with their results if they combine facelift surgery with other procedures, such as a necklift or forehead lift . Patients who understand both the possibilities and limitations of facelift surgery tend to be more pleased with their results.

There are no alternatives to facelift, If you are early 20s who are willing to fix their saggy skin due to facial contouring or other various reason, they can be suggested non incision surgery like thread lifting or band lifting. However for older age group these non incision surgeries can not make dramatic change. If you are suffering from lax skin on older age group the facelift(incision lifting surgeries)can be a candidate procedures for them.

The best facelift candidates have realistic expectations and are willing and able to follow the pre- and post-operative instructions provided by their plastic surgeons. 
After a one-on-one consultation, the doctor can advise a patient as to whether he or she is a good candidate for a facelift, or whether an alternate procedure might be preferable.

If you like to find out the suitable procedures for yourself Please write an email to tlmeirong@gmail.com

TL Face liftings are :
SMAS Lifting(incision face lifting)
Neck lifting(incision)
forehead lifting(incision)
Thread lifting(non incision)
Band lifting(non incision,incision)
Sonoqueen(laser treatment)

For consultation:
TL Plastic Surgery Lifting&Anti-aging Center
Director/Dr. Jung Yeon Ho
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[E-mail] tlmeirong@gmail.com
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
[Face Book] https://www.facebook.com/tlpskorea/

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